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Employment Law: Employment Lawyers in Christchurch

Employment lawyers make sure that as either an employee or employer, your rights are looked after. 

Our Canterbury Legal employment law team helps you navigate employment law, building stronger employment relationships, and resolving disputes in the best way available.

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Our Christchurch employment lawyers work with employers and employees to build stronger workplaces

Strong workplace relationships are built on respect for rights and responsibilities. We work with employers and employees to ensure fairer outcomes for all.

We can advise you on a wide range of employment matters including:

  • Employment agreements
  • Employee rights
  • Trial periods
  • Restructuring and redundancies
  • Dismissals
  • Employment grievances
  • Bullying and harassment


Employment Law News

25 June 2021
Employee Status for Building Contractors? What You Need to Know

A recent Employment Court case has shown that even if a builder is considered a contractor, in reality, they might be an employee.

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25 June 2021
Fair Pay Agreements on the horizon

The Government is introducing Fair Pay Agreements, and as one commentator puts it, it could be “the biggest shake-up in the employment sector for decades.”

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13 April 2021
Is an Uber driver a contractor?

Uber drivers are often treated as contractors - but are Uber drivers employees in reality? And what does that mean for employers and contractors in other businesses?

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16 December 2020
Privacy Vs Productivity: Reviewing The Ethics Of Remote Work Monitoring

As technology advances and working situations change, the fictional world of 1984 becomes ever-more a reality. So what are the privacy considerations for employers and employees?

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Employment Agreements

Employment agreements are the foundation of employer/employee relationships. They allow you both to know your rights and responsibilities. That creates greater certainty for you both, and provides a path to clarifying or resolving any issues.

Needless to say, it's important to get these right. Under the law, an employment agreement has certain mandatory requirements. There are also things that the law doesn't allow in there.

Our team can help you understand how to create, interpret or enforce an employment agreement.

For Employers
We can help you develop employment agreements which align with the law, provide you and your employees the support and certainty you need, and get the most for your business.
For Employees
We can help you understand your employment agreement, identify any issues, and make sure your employment situation reflects what's in your agreement.

Employee Rights

Aside from what's set out in employment agreements, there are certain rights afforded to all employees in New Zealand.

We can help you know what you're due as an employee, and what your responsibilities are as an employer.
For Employers
Together we can make sure you're doing everything you need to do to comply with the law, and to provide your employees a great work experience.
For Employees
If you're not sure you're getting the employment experience you ought to be, talk with us. We can help you understand what you're due, and how to get it.

Restructuring and Redundancies

Sometimes, businesses need to make changes. And that can lead to tough decisions for employers, and hard news for employees.

It's important that these decisions are made with care and respect for the law. We help make sure this is the case.
For Employers
If you're planning to restructure or create a redundancy, you need to follow the right steps. We can advise you on the right path to take.
For Employees
You're entitled to fair treatment through a restructuring or redundancy process. We can help you understand your rights, and represent you in any meetings or negotiations.

Employment grievances: what happens when something goes wrong?

We all hope for long, happy and fruitful working relationships. Sadly, this can't always be the case.

If, as an employer or an employee, you feel something has gone wrong in a working relationship, it's best to get advice and support as early as possible.

We can help you work with the other party to a dispute to try and find a resolution that works for you both. It doesn't have to come to investigations or court action. In fact, most employment disputes can be resolved before that.

But if it does, we're ready to be at your side, every step of the way.

If you're experiencing a workplace grievance, get in touch with us for fair, impartial advice.

Talk with us about your employment law issues

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Canterbury Legal Building
Level 2, Durham Street South
Christchurch Central 8011
Phone: +64 3 377 0792
Fax: +64 3 377 0795
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