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No matter what your financial worth it is important to have a plan in place to protect your assets.
A lot of hard work has gone in to building your asset base, no matter how big or small it may be. An element of risk is behind every major financial or personal decision, whether it be buying a house, starting a business, getting married or beginning a relationship.
At each of these times, you should review your risks and look at how you are protected. Don’t leave it until it is too late.
One of the best ways to protect yourself and provide for your family’s future is through a family trust. A family trust will protect your hard-earned assets, provide for your interests and give security to your loved ones. A family trust will ensure that your assets are passed on in accordance with your wishes and requirements.
A family trust will provide protection from creditors and lawsuits and ex-partners. However, a badly set-up trust can bring about its own problems. Proceeding with gifting without the right advice can have implications in later life.
So you need to know you are getting the best advice possible. At Canterbury Legal we can advise on the most suitable way to protect your assets and then help set up the systems to do this. We understand trust law and have a wealth of experience in asset protection.